Friday, October 4, 2024
League of Power

The League of power

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Who Are They Working For?! Biden-Harris Regime Oppose Law to Stop China from Seizing Control of America

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been buying up critical U.S. farmland all over the country and while the general consensus seems to be that the government needs to step in and stop the communists from hording our farmland – President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are apparently ON CHINA’S SIDE!

The Biden-Harris regime has come out in opposition of a bill which would ban CCP officials from buying up land in the U.S. if they are attempting to violate the autonomy of Hong Kong, increase aggression towards Taiwan, or contribute to human rights violations in China like putting the Uyghur Muslims in concentration camps.

All of the land that has been targeted by the Chinese over the past few decades has some kind of strategic importance and in many cases is located close by military bases, putting the CCP close enough to steal American military secrets from these bases.

Effectively this bill, the “Stop CCP Act,” was designed to hold the Chinese government accountable and stop them from acquiring American land in order to protect our national security.

So why would ANY American politician have an issue with this? Well as we know all too well, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are practically owned by the CCP and have a tendency to favor a China first, America last policy.

The Biden-Harris White House came out with a press release that states the “administration opposes H.R. 3334, [or] the ‘STOP CCP Act,’ which would impose mandatory sanctions and visa restrictions on members of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party.

Biden and Harris claim that this bill would “cut off any channels of communication between our two governments and undermine the Administration’s efforts to build diplomatic consensus on China, thereby destabilizing US-PRC relations.”

They say this because the bill also makes those blackballed CCP officials ineligible for visas but their argument doesn’t even make sense because it includes a clause which allows the president to waive sanctions for up to 60 days to allow CCP officials to come into the US for purposes he or she deems necessary.

This bill also allows the president to terminate the sanctions on the CCP officials if he or she determines that Communist China has “ceased the genocide of the Uyghur Muslim population,” “ceased all forms of threats, military exercises, and aggression toward Taiwan,” “ceased the undermining of the autonomy of Hong Kong,” and “ceased efforts to steal the intellectual property of United States persons,” among other requirements.

By opposing this common sense bill, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are bending the knee to their TRUE masters in China.

We’ve all heard about the Biden family’s business dealings with the CCP which include – as Hunter Biden put it – cutting deals with the “f**king spy chief of China” and saving a cut for the “big guy” Joe Biden.

As for Kamala Harris it was quite telling how much she favors China over America when she selected Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) as her running mate. Gov. Walz just so happens to be the big name American politician with the DEEPEST ties to China.

Walz has visited China more than 30 times and was even granted a special WORK VISA by the Chinese government. As a teacher, he taught his students about how wonderful the Communist country is, and he even honeymooned there with his wife.

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Tim Walz – it really doesn’t matter. They are all serving the CCP and because of that they can NEVER be trusted to make decisions regarding what’s best for America’s future.

President Donald Trump on the other hand has vowed to hold the Chinese government accountable. On this issue specifically he said in a recent interview with Breitbart,  “We have to have control of our land.

 We have to have control of our economy. We have to have control of our borders. We have to make sure we’re in charge of our own country. We’re losing that with these people, these unbelievable so-called leaders we have. They’re allowing our country to be sold out from under us. We have to be very careful and we have to be very prudent. We can’t let this happen. Do you think China would let us go in and buy their land and do what they do? I don’t think so, okay. It won’t happen. So we have to be very careful,” Trump continued,

President Trump is the ONLY candidate in the 2024 race who will actually stand up to the communists which is PRECISELY why the Democrats hate him so much.

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