Friday, October 18, 2024
League of Power

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Watch Out for Republicans Trying to Get Biden to Drop Out

VILNIUS, LITHUANIA. 12th July 2023. G7 leaders event to announce a Joint Declaration of Support to Ukraine , during NATO SUMMIT 2023

In the ongoing White House public relations disaster, they keep trotting out Joe Biden for major on-camera events to prove that he’s a Big Boy who can use his Big Boy words. It’s glorious!

Thursday was a rare solo press conference and while it contained plenty of cannon fodder for Biden’s enemies, he did just well enough for the campaign to claim he’s fit enough to stay in the race.

This is the perfect scenario. We know Trump can beat Joe Biden or Kamala Harris easily if one of them is the nominee. So, why are some Republicans now calling on Biden to drop out?

During his Thursday press conference, Biden managed to call Ukrainian Dictator Volodymyr Zelensky “President Putin” to his face. That was worth the price of admission alone. (Sorry to be so nasty, but ever since those Ukrainian soldiers burned Donald Trump in effigy, they can all go eff themselves as far as I’m concerned, and I hope Putin turns their little backwater country into an ashtray.)

World leaders gathered at the presser gasped out loud at Biden’s gaffe and Ukrainian Dictator Zelensky then canceled his planned press conference. It was one of the worst foreign policy blunders we’ve ever seen and many of us will likely never forget it.


How did the media handle Biden’s big gaffe?

The Washington Post ran a gentle headline declaring, “Biden shows foreign policy depth in news conference with a few stumbles.”

Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) said that Biden “showed a substantive mastery of foreign policy.”

Really? By calling the leader of a country he’s supporting against the wishes of the American people with our tax dollars the other guy?

Name anything in the realm of foreign policy that Joe Biden has touched that he hasn’t turned into poo. We’ll wait. Maybe we’ll do a quiz on domestic policy too if we have time later!

Later in the press conference, after Zelensky had stormed off in his little UPS uniform, a reporter asked Biden if he thought Kamala Harris would be able to beat President Trump if she replaced him. Biden’s response was equally epic.

“Look, I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president if I didn’t think she was not qualified to be vice president.”

The effort to prove that Biden can use his Big Boy words all by himself didn’t go so well. But it went just barely well enough that he’s still not going anywhere. As of this writing, 16 Democrats in Congress have called for him to step down “for the good of democracy.”

Funny how the good of democracy involves throwing away the votes of millions of Democrat voters who chose Big Boy Joe as their nominee earlier this year.

Every Democrat and many of the celebrities who have called for the perverted geezer to step down has said the same thing—he’s incapable of beating Donald Trump. I tend to agree, so why not keep him in at this point? He’s a lame duck and while I’m sure he’ll figure out a way to mess some more things up between now and January, Kamala Harris isn’t going to do any better if she ends up in the White House.

If they yank Biden now, it will energize their depressed and suicidal base and the media will engage in the biggest gaslighting operation in history to prop up his replacement.

They’ll run a bunch of fake polls showing the replacement beating Trump in a landslide and then they’ll be able to steal the election with impunity. It’s all downside for us and for President Trump if they get rid of Joe now. So, keep him in!

That’s why it’s so frustrating to see people like Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) proposing a resolution to have Kamala invoke the 25th Amendment against Biden. Why now? It’s not as if Chip Roy didn’t know Biden has had dementia for the past five years like the rest of us have.

The GOP has had almost four years to get rid of Biden and they haven’t even bothered to impeach him. At this point, they should just leave him alone and let him blunder his way to a crushing defeat in November.

Don’t trust any Republican who is trying to get Biden to step down now. They could have tried that years ago when it might have made a difference.

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