I know that many of you, like me, have been praying for a speedy recovery for President Trump and First Lady Melania for the past few days. It’s working. The President was cleared and released from Walter Reed Medical Center after only 3 days. While most of the media coverage of this has been negative stories about how reporters wish the president would just die already, it’s worth thinking about something that the media has not mentioned: Contact tracing has completely and totally failed.
If you live in a terrible US state like I do (meaning your “Governor” is a Democrat), then you probably have some sort of contact tracing rule in place as well. The only way the state can ever ever ever reopen again is if we have a vaccine and an army of contact tracers to ensure that we know “how the virus spreads,” who is spreading it, where they’re spreading it, and so on. Also, contact tracing lets the government know whose house to show up at, so they can snatch any sick persons out of the house and quarantine them in a COVID camp.
Out of all the violations of our rights in the name of fighting this illness, contact tracing seems to be the worst of the bunch – and yet it gets the least attention. The government is now tracking our every movement via our smartphones to see whether we come into close proximity with another person with a smartphone, in order to determine if we’re super-spreading the bug. This sort of thing used to be terrifyingly unthinkable in America. Now people just sort of accept it out of fear.
My usual smartphone hasn’t left the house since March because my state has an “army” of contact tracers spying on everybody. I now carry an anonymous burner phone around for shopping trips, in case there’s a real emergency and I have to contact my wife. I’ve altered my routine and my life as if I’m in some sort of spy movie. In a way, I am in a spy movie and the villains are trying to watch my every move – and yours as well.
And there’s no good reason for this. Honest epidemiologists will tell you that contact tracing is only effective in the very early stages of a serious outbreak. The barn door has been open for far too long on coronavirus for contact tracing to actually work. But of course – none of this is about public safety.
Here’s the reason why this is all so baffling right now: President Trump, his wife, and a long list of people in contact with him have now tested positive for the virus – but the experts have no clue who gave it to them.
The President of the United States is the most-watched individual on earth. The Secret Service keeps track of the president 24/7. They know every individual who comes in contact with the president, they know every person that the president shakes hands with and they even know when a president goes to the bathroom. The rule for news videographers is that if you are in the room with the president, your camera is to be ON at all times and aimed directly at the president at all times.
The reason for all of these rules and observation are pretty obvious (and morbid). Most of those rules now date back to 1963. We never want the country torn apart by conspiracy theories if another presidential assassination were to take place. The only time a US president really has any privacy is inside his private residence. Otherwise, there are always cameras pointed at him and running.
It’s now been a week or possibly longer since the President and First Lady contracted coronavirus. How did they get it? Who gave it to them? We knew who the 9-11 hijackers were within a few hours of their attack on the World Trade Center.
But we have no idea how Trump caught coronavirus, because contact tracing obviously does not work. You couldn’t possibly have a better test-case subject for the effectiveness of contact tracing than the President of the United States, the most-watched person on the entire planet.
If contact tracing does not work, why are they so insistent on imposing it on the entire country and keeping a permanent Big Brother surveillance system in place to monitor our movements? You know why. Meanwhile, Godspeed to President Trump and Melania. We are all rooting for your swift, full recovery.