Joe Biden says we need to “turn down the temperature” when it comes to our political rhetoric. Hey, Joe: Go pound sand, preferably at a beach that doesn’t have any children around. Democrats always try to use our values against [...]
We’re not sure what to make of this yet, but an FBI whistleblower has come forward to Congress to finally shed light on an unanswered question about the Russia-Russia-Russia hoax. Why did it take nine years for this person to [...]
Most people have realized by now that the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump on July 13, 2024, is actively being swept under the rug. The task force that House Speaker Mike Johnson assembled to investigate the shooting is a [...]
You’re probably seeing the word BOMBSHELL in all caps on a lot of conservative news websites this week. House Republicans have just released a BOMBSHELL new report that proves that Joe Biden committed impeachable crimes. Before you get too excited, [...]
In the ongoing White House public relations disaster, they keep trotting out Joe Biden for major on-camera events to prove that he’s a Big Boy who can use his Big Boy words. It’s glorious! Thursday was a rare solo press [...]
The Greater Idaho movement in eastern Oregon scored another significant victory last week. The voters in Crook County voted to begin talks about moving Idaho’s border westward so that the patriotic, conservative, pro-Trump, America First residents of the eastern half [...]
Just months before the 2024 election, the Democrats and their lawfare allies have delivered a major warning shot to any conservatives who dare question what could be another blatantly rigged election. The shot was delivered by Arizona’s Democrat Attorney General [...]
The US Senate pulled a rare all-nighter from Monday through early Tuesday to pass a $95 billion aid package for Ukraine and Israel’s wars. (Nothing for our own border, naturally.) 22 Republicans voted with nearly every Democrat to pass the [...]
What a colossal failure. After sitting around for more than a year with their thumbs up their rear-ends, House Republicans actually FAILED to impeach Joe Biden’s DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas this week. They’re like frail Victorian ladies who have to [...]
Democrats in the state of Oregon have hatched a new scheme to rig the 2024 election. The state’s liberal Supreme Court made the election altering ruling to BAN 10 Republican senators from seeking reelection. After Oregon’s Democrat Secretary of State [...]