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Browsing the "President Trump" Tag

President Trump Unquestionably Won Reelection

President Trump Unquestionably Won Reelection

The establishment elites have a request for President Donald J. Trump: They would really love if Trump would be a good little Republican gimp and just curl up in a fetal position after conceding an election he obviously won. It’s [...]

November 5, 2020 News
America Rising: It Was Never About Trump

America Rising: It Was Never About Trump

After all these years, they still don’t get it. The fake news media does not understand the love that the American people have for Donald Trump. The low-testosterone wimps of Never Trump don’t understand it. Hollywood doesn’t understand it. Big [...]

November 3, 2020 News
Amazing Early Vote Totals Signal Major Trump Landslide

Amazing Early Vote Totals Signal Major Trump Landslide

The only people allowed inside at Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s “rallies” last week were local Democrat Party officials, mega-donors who can afford $100,000-a-plate fundraising dinners, and handpicked mainstream media shills. There were 35 attendees at Biden’s most recent “rally” [...]

November 2, 2020 News
Look at These Pro-Trump Numbers; Plus, Why I’ll Be Watching CNN on Election Night

Look at These Pro-Trump Numbers; Plus, Why I’ll Be Watching CNN on Election Night

America is going through a historic political realignment right now. One of the major reasons why I’m highly confident about President Trump’s reelection is because I see this realignment happening for the Democrats right now, just as I saw it [...]

October 30, 2020 News
A Modest List of Heads That Should Figuratively Roll on November 4th

A Modest List of Heads That Should Figuratively Roll on November 4th

When Donald Trump wins an epic, historic, hyuuuge Electoral College and popular vote victory on November 3 (which I firmly believe he will do with your help), he will have a powerful mandate at his disposal. Imagine how great America [...]

October 29, 2020 News
Trump Recovering, and by the Way, Contact Tracing Completely Useless

Trump Recovering, and by the Way, Contact Tracing Completely Useless

I know that many of you, like me, have been praying for a speedy recovery for President Trump and First Lady Melania for the past few days. It’s working. The President was cleared and released from Walter Reed Medical Center [...]

October 6, 2020 News
Why Doesn’t Trump Denounce Unicorns & Bigfoot While He’s at It?

Why Doesn’t Trump Denounce Unicorns & Bigfoot While He’s at It?

Silly me! I actually thought we’d get through a presidential election this year without the media running through its ritualistic efforts to force the Republican nominee to “denounce white supremacy.” That was really wishful thinking on my part, wasn’t it? [...]

October 1, 2020 News
Breaking: Trump Tax Returns Offer Scientific Proof Libs Can’t Do Math

Breaking: Trump Tax Returns Offer Scientific Proof Libs Can’t Do Math

Good news! The garbage media finally did their job! They took more information from one of their “anonymous sources” that have been so good to them these past four years and ran with a story about President Trump’s old tax [...]

September 29, 2020 News
Schiff Finds More Russian Collusion, Plans to Try for Impeachment 2.0

Schiff Finds More Russian Collusion, Plans to Try for Impeachment 2.0

It’s great that we can finally put the whole Russian collusion hoax behind us and move on. The Democrats would never be foolish enough to try that stunt again. Oh, wait! Here comes Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) and he’s found [...]

September 11, 2020 News
LegoGate Explodes: Media Hounds Hot on the Trail of Trump’s Toddler Grandson

LegoGate Explodes: Media Hounds Hot on the Trail of Trump’s Toddler Grandson

Welcome to LegoGate, the latest scandal that will surely be the undoing of Literally Hitler this time, according to the media. It’s curtain’s for Trump! The beginning of the end! The walls are closing in! Two scoops of ice cream! [...]

August 28, 2020 News