Saturday, September 7, 2024
League of Power

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Social Media Posts Confirm Trump Shooter Was a Biden Supporter Who Loved Lockdowns and Joe’s Open Border

The media has been rejoicing in the “fact” that Trump’s would be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks was registered as a Republican but just as many of us suspected all along – he was ACTUALLY a Biden supporter and now we have PROOF!

While the crooked FBI has all-too conveniently been unable to find any social media presence for the 20-year-old shooter, the founder of Gab has found cold-hard evidence that confirms Crooks was CERTAINLY not a Republican.

Gab is a free speech social media platform and its founder Andrew Torba revealed that his staff discovered an account belonging to Thomas Matthew Crooks on the platform.

Crooks, according to Torba, had several posts supporting Joe Biden, the COVID lockdowns, and a wide open southern border.

“While the account made very few posts on the site, the majority of them were in support of President Biden. A number of posts in particular expressed support for President Biden’s COVID lockdowns, border policies and executive orders,” Torba revealed.


One of the posts saw Crooks complaining that Trump was never “concerned with what the left wanted
I’m sorry explain to me how trump was ever concerned with what the left wanted, or anybody in the GOP for that matter?” Crooks wrote.
Another implied that COVID lockdowns were good, with the shooter writing, “The reason all the deaths are down is because you are in stuck in your house.”

But the bulk of them were really in support of Biden’s absolutely horrendous border policy which you’ll be hard-pressed to find a SINGLE Republican in support of.

Those posts by Crooks say:

Actually the executive order allows an easier path to US citizenship therefore no longer making them illegals and allowing children to join their already legalized immigrant parents in the US.”

first of all Biden executive orders don’t incentivize human trafficking as human traffickers aren’t interested in citizenships, likewise the majority of illegal immigrants are not criminals and in fact some studies(such as the one linked below) show lower rates of crime committed by these individuals, it is also unclear if the extensive path to citizenship is in fact effective at routing out potential bad actors hence why there is a review of that system.”

Thats funny because the first order mandates a reuniting of any families separated at the border, the 2nd and 3rd orders a review of trumps immigration policies and other previous policies. However his order doesn’t actually open borders or reduce the authority of border patrol, or anything that would substantially reduce BP effectiveness.”

Torba would go onto say, “We are disclosing this information at significant personal and business risk. If the past is any guide, defying the D.C. consensus by publishing the first definitive evidence that the shooter was a Biden supporter – something Democrats and their media allies have tried to cover up and deny at every turn – has a high probability of resulting in significant political and media backlash.”

This is information that our government does NOT want us to have access to because it goes against the narrative that they’re pushing about a “Republican” taking a shot at Trump.

We all know what our government is capable of when someone messes with their narrative – at least Torba certainly does because shortly after he exposed this to the masses he said asked for prayers, saying, “I’m sticking my neck out big time on this one, but I felt it was the right thing to do in the public interest.”

Interestingly enough, despite the fact that the FBI SURELY had access to this information – Christopher Wray just testified before Congress to claim that the bureau has “no idea” what the shooter’s political motivations were.

In reality, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Crooks was yet another Democrat, radicalized by the violent rhetoric of the leftist media!

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