The Greater Idaho movement in eastern Oregon scored another significant victory last week. The voters in Crook County voted to begin talks about moving Idaho’s border westward so that the patriotic, conservative, pro-Trump, America First residents of the eastern half of Oregon can secede from the woke communists in Portland.
People have been talking about a pending civil war in America for about a decade now. Joe Biden and Barack Obama have that effect on people. But there is an easier and less bloody way to bring about a separation. Let’s just get divorced.
Thirteen of Oregon’s 36 counties have now voted on the Greater Idaho question, and all thirteen have agreed that the liberal lunatics in Portland can go eff themselves. The divisions between the two political parties in this country are now so deep that there can be no compromise between them.
All the political power in Oregon is in its main population center, which is liberal Portland and the liberal coastal cities. They’re bullies to the less-populous red counties. They don’t know the first thing about ranching, farming, mining, logging, or any of the other stuff that actually makes Oregon’s economy work. But, boy, do they know how to make up rules to make those professions impossible.
The people of eastern Oregon are sick of not having a voice in the political process for the past few decades, especially as the Democrat Party has grown increasingly crazy. Becoming part of Idaho looks very attractive to them since the Idaho state government (for the most part) stays out of the way of the entrepreneurs and blue-collar families just trying to make a living.
Having lived in both states (I grew up in one of the counties that recently voted to secede), I can tell you that Idahoans and eastern Oregonians have a lot in common.
It’s impossible for the two political parties to reconcile at this point. That’s just as true in Oregon as it is nationally. One party believes that all children should be protected and nurtured. The other believes that every little boy’s penis should be chopped off and every little girl’s healthy breasts should be removed and that transgender weirdoes should be allowed to rub their testicles on every toddler at the library.
How do you compromise with that? The answer is that you don’t. The two options are violence—or getting a divorce. It’s not working out. Time to split up and go our separate ways, with eastern Oregonians becoming western Idahoans. Portland will just have to boss around its own people more. Have fun and we will never call you.
Granted, these are not true secession votes in eastern Oregon’s counties. The vote simply urges the state legislatures of Oregon and Idaho to begin talks to eventually move the border. The liberals in Portland are obviously fighting this tooth and nail because the only joy they get from life is bossing people around and making them financially poorer.
36 percent of the counties in Oregon have now voted on the Greater Idaho initiative. If just five more counties pass the same resolution—and it looks like they will—Portland and Salem will have lost their legitimacy to rule over the rural counties.
This model could work in a lot of other states as well. California is the other obvious example on the West Coast. Despite having the worst governor in the country and a state legislature that has never heard a bad idea it wouldn’t unanimously support, most of California is populated by normal folks.
If you get out of the sh*thole population centers in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sacramento, you’ll see an awful lot of yard signs for Donald Trump. Many Californians would be a lot happier if they could secede from those three lunatic cities.
The point is that American states can divide themselves up as political entities without having to resort to a civil war. Let’s just divorce each other. We’ll decide on visitation hours, divide up the furniture, and go our separate ways.
A civil war should be the least attractive option for everyone. Even the guys LARPing with their AR-15s would find out in a hurry that a civil war was the worst possible idea after it started.
The people of eastern Oregon are one step closer to throwing off the shackles of Portland’s tyranny. That should be a model for other states to peacefully follow as well.