Friday, October 4, 2024
League of Power

The League of power

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Now American Veterans Are Losing Their Penises Because of the COVID Shots

Vaccination of the military against corona virus. Doctor holding bottle and syringe and preparing vaccine shot for the soldier in uniform during corona virus epidemic.

Many of us have hoped that the horrible side effects from the mRNA COVID shots would start to subside now that the public has largely refused to take any more boosters. It appears that it was wishful thinking to believe that health problems from the shots would go away over time. People who received these injections continue to die or contract horrifying diseases, years after the fact.

The spike proteins seem to be lurking in the immune systems of vaccinated people for a very long time and continue to make them sick or kill them. This is obvious when you look at the right datasets.

Steve Kirsch has obtained 20 years’ worth of Veterans Administration health claims from an associate. The health claims data contains damning evidence that veterans who were subjected to Joe Biden’s illegal vaccine mandate are still getting sick, years after the fact. There are tons of safety signals in the data that the VA is ignoring.


The data clearly shows that there are debilitating health conditions that are now 5X more prevalent than they were in 2020 and the preceding years—before the COVID jabs were mandated for the troops. The VA should be calling for a massive investigation into what’s causing this huge spike in health problems among veterans (even though we all know where that investigation will lead). Instead, the VA is blindly trusting the guidance from the liars at the CDC and is still recommending COVID boosters to vets.

Just one example that Kirsch highlights from the data is bradycardia (a slow heartbeat). In the past 20 years of VA data, there were never any claims for bradycardia among veterans before 2022. Not even one. In 2024, there have been 134 claims for the condition (so far).

They went from zero to 134 after the COVID shots were mandated. That’s a huge safety signal and the VA should be sounding the alarm and trying to figure out what happened. Remember, the CDC pulled the swine flu vaccine from the market in the 1970s after it made just a couple of dozen people sick.

Other serious conditions that are more than 5X above baseline in the VA data include hypertensive and valvular heart disease, traumatic paralysis (complete), anatomical loss of both eyes, removal of half or more of the penis, dementia, and Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

That’s so depressing that it’s almost as if—wait.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! What was that?

Removal of half or more of the what?!

How is this even a thing?

This is just another example of how medical disclosure laws were violated by the people pushing the COVID jabs. It’s why so many people deserve to go to jail for their insidious lies. How many men do you suppose would have rejected the shots outright if they had informed disclosure about the potential dangers?

Imagine being at the doctor’s office and he tells you, “There are some risks to these shots that I need to tell you about beforehand. Some of the side effects are extremely rare. Trivial, almost. We’re talking less than one-tenth of one percent. But I do have to inform you that there is a small chance I’m going to have to CHOP YOUR PENIS OFF after I give you this experimental gene serum that won’t actually protect you from the coronavirus.”

I’m guessing the percentage of men who would have willingly taken the COVID jabs would have been close to zero if they had known that. Men will take silly risks with their stock portfolios, cryptocurrency, and even with their lives. We’re adventurous by nature. But there are certain lines that most of us are simply unwilling to cross. The risk of major surgery in the downtown area is one of them.

Additional heart conditions, cancers, and debilitating illnesses are showing up far above baseline in the VA health claims data. All of this started after the COVID shots were rolled out.

The medical community continues to pretend that vaccine injuries are not real. Some of our veterans have had all their teeth fall out after they got the jab. Far more female vets than normal are now having mastectomies from breast cancer. The data is right there for anyone to see, but health authorities continue lying to the people and pushing these shots on us. It’s disgusting.

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