Monday, March 10, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

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Medical Officials Baffled at Huge Increases in Hepatitis in Children, Heart Attacks

Dozens of children are suddenly being stricken with a life-threatening strain of unknown-origin hepatitis in the UK, Spain and America. Oh my gosh! Could it be climate change?! Meanwhile, health officials in Australia are throwing their hands up in the air in bewilderment as that country experiences a 40% spike in heart attacks in recent months.

The culprit of all these adverse health effects is so obvious to most people in the general public that we just want to grab these officials and shake them. They should stop lying to us. We all know what’s causing this.


There are five viruses that are known to cause hepatitis. Doctors can test you if you’re diagnosed with hepatitis and that determines whether you have hepatitis A, B, C, D or E. Drunks suffering liver failure can also contract hepatitis. But dozens of children are getting sick to the point of near-death from hepatitis right now in three countries, and doctors can’t determine why these kids are getting sick. (The doctors know what is causing this as well, but they’re too afraid to admit it.)

So far, 74 kids in the UK have come down with this new form of hepatitis, 3 in Spain just last week, and 9 in the USA, all in the state of Alabama. The kids didn’t test positive for any known strains of hepatitis. It seems to just be spontaneously erupting in them, and it is incredibly serious.

Six of the children in the UK had to receive liver transplants to save their lives from this new form of hepatitis. Three more were evaluated and considered for liver transplants. Doctors in all three countries are claiming that the COVID vaccine couldn’t possibly be blamed for this new strain of unknown-origin hepatitis, because… uh… because reasons! And science!

But that’s probably not the case at all, based on a wheelbarrow full of recently published studies. One study proved that the human liver becomes a major distribution point for the spike proteins from the mRNA COVID “vaccines.” In another study, the lipid nanoparticles in the shots was applied in vivo to rodents, and it resulted in liver injuries. In the Journal of Hepatology in the EU, a study showed that the Moderna vaccine can cause “immune-mediated hepatitis” in patients.

And in a peer-reviewed study published in the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), researchers found that the messenger RNA in the shots begins converting and changing the DNA in the human liver within six hours of injection. And it’s well established that the shots migrate to the sex organs of female patients.

The CDC’s VAERS website now has dozens of cases of girls as young as 5 developing vaginal ulcers. The US Army’s DMED database shows that 20,000 servicemembers (12,000 females and 8,000 males) were sexually sterilized by the COVID shots between August and January, when Joe Biden’s forced them to choose between inoculation and their jobs.

So, it is absolutely within the realm of possibility that all of these new unknown-origin hepatitis cases are directly related to the COVID shots.

And get a load of this quote from an Australian health official this past week, talking about the massive increase in Code Ones (In Australia, a Code One health emergency is basically an emergency transport and treatment for heart attacks and related life-threatening emergencies):

“I don’t think anyone can explain why we saw a 40% jump in Code Ones. I’ve seen that as I’ve traveled around the state sometimes, I walk into an ambulance service and they’ll say, ‘We had a 30% increase in Code Ones. Can’t tell you why. We’ve just had a lot of heart attacks and chest pains and trouble breathing, respiratory issues.’ Sometimes you can’t explain why those things happen.”

I have a theory!

87% of Australians have received experimental mRNA shots in the past year or so. Since that’s the only new thing introduced into their environment, maybe the two things are related?

We’re injecting the general population with these experimental shots and they’re experiencing huge increases in weird, never-before-seen ailments like this brand-new hepatitis. Heart attacks are spiking by 40% in heavily vaccinated countries. And health officials are pretending that it’s all a big mystery. Why should the public ever trust these people again, when they can’t be intellectually honest about the evidence right in front of their eyes?

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