Sunday, October 6, 2024
League of Power

The League of power

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Call for Vaccine Injury Stories Draws 10,000 Immediate Responses

Ampoule with COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine, with a syringe for vaccination

Unless you personally know someone who was injured by the COVID mRNA shots, most of the stories about the harm that this experimental treatment did probably seem farfetched. Could they really have killed one million Americans and severely injured tens of millions?

The truth is that the vaccine-injured are out there and they do number in the millions. A popular Twitter/X user put out a call for personal vaccine injury stories this week. Almost immediately, nearly 10,000 people responded to share their stories of pain and misery that resulted from trusting the CDC and Tony Fauci.

The Twitter/X user is the popular conservative commentator Catturd™. (Yes, his name is trademarked.)

The tweet that he sent calling for vax injury stories quickly went viral. It’s shocking to scroll through the list and see all the stories of catastrophic injuries—including injuries of types we haven’t even heard of in association with the shots.


In many cases, the doctors of these vaccine victims appear to be baffled at what could have caused the injuries. None of the people who suffered these injuries are confused, though. They know exactly what injured them and they want justice for what they went through.

A young woman named Anette says she was very athletic up until she took the shot in 2021. She was into rowing, mountain biking, fitness, and equestrian sports. Today a simple task like emptying the dishwasher exhausts her. Immediately after she was injected, she developed chronic pericarditis (untreatable), myocarditis, lung damage with significantly reduced oxygen uptake, swollen lymph nodes, and systemic reaction. Her blood can’t properly transport oxygen, and she has tachycardia and chronically low blood pressure.

She can’t even go for a walk outside anymore. The only way that Anette can enjoy the outdoors is by riding her horse. She has to use a stepladder to get on the horse because she can no longer mount it by simply putting her foot in the stirrup.

Drew is a US Army veteran who took the Pfizer shot. He fell into a coma for six months. He was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, paralysis, and neuropathy. He still can’t walk and he’s now cognitively impaired.

Erica had a two-year-old child with serious health problems, so she couldn’t afford to lose her health insurance. The insurance company threatened to cancel her policy unless she took the COVID jab. The shot blinded her in her right eye and she lost partial hearing in both ears. She suffered brain swelling with lesions and now has heart and liver damage. All because she was coerced into taking the mRNA shot.

Gerald says his wife had just had her annual physical and was given a clean bill of health by her doctors. She then took a COVID shot and died in her sleep 17 days later. A blood clot was listed as the cause of death.

Starr says that her brother-in-law developed a form of cancer that is so rare that there have only been 16 other confirmed cases in history. As a result of the jab-induced cancer, he lost one of his eyes, his jawbone, and all of his teeth. Fortunately, he’s still alive.

Evan says his aunt started having chest pains two weeks after she received her second Moderna shot. She had never had any health issues before. Right as she arrived at the hospital, she had a massive, vaccine-induced heart attack and died. Her husband committed suicide the day after that.

The stories of cancer, spinal fluid leakage, heart attacks, blood clotting issues (so many blood clots!), miscarriages, paralysis, and immune system disorders are all real, despite the protests of some of the trolls in Catturd’s™ Twitter feed. It’s amazing how many vaccine deniers will be quick to jump in and say, “Vaccines don’t cause turbo cancer!” or “You can’t prove it was the vaccine!” Maybe those people work for Pfizer.

The point is that every one of these heartbreaking stories is real. These catastrophic health problems, especially among the young, were not happening before 2021. Many of these people were censored by other social media companies for “spreading misinformation.” Elon Musk deserves a lot of credit for finally giving a voice to these people. (Sorry, I still can’t get used to calling it “X.” We can’t forget them or turn our backs on their injuries and suffering. They deserve justice for what was done to them.

You can read the responses to Catturd’s™ Twitter thread here:

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