Tuesday, March 11, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

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California Plans to Inject COVID Vaccine into Plants

How many vaccines do we know of that, according to adverse reports on file at the CDC, have resulted in 18,461 deaths and a scary variety of other bad outcome? Well there’s the COVID Vaccine that has received 875,651 reports as of November 5, 2021.

Not surprisingly, the deep blue state of California leads the nation with 343 deaths, as well as a troubling list of vaccine side effects—for example, 111 miscarriages, 310 cases of myocarditis, and 628 hospitalizations—as reported in 57,722 adverse reports.

So, despite those statistics, researchers at the University of California Riverside are forging ahead to find ways of infusing the COVID vaccine into edible plants like spinach and lettuce. The university is using a $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation, a federal government agency that has an $8.5 billion annual budget.

The University of California press release talks about the science and the project goals. The release says that the “future of vaccines may look more like eating a salad than getting a shot in the arm.” UC Riverside scientists want to find out if “they can turn edible plants into mRNA vaccine factories.”

Their project goals basically are to show that vaccines “can be successfully delivered into the part of plant cells where it will replicate.” The idea is to demonstrate that a vegetable can have enough of the magic stuff “to rival a traditional shot” of COVID-19 vaccine.

If successful, the results could add a deeper meaning to organic farming. One single plant could, according to one UC Riverside Botany Professor, “produce enough mRNA to vaccinate a single person.” Also, California Governor Gavin Newsom will have an ideal way to force grade school kids to eat their vegetables.

Then there is the ambitious project to have farmers grow entire fields of vaccine-infused vegetables.


So far, people in government, enthusiastically supported by the mainstream press, have led the charge in force-feeding the COVID-19 vaccine to the public. Millions of reluctant citizens, however, prefer to wait and see, opting for social distancing and balancing the low risk of suffering the effects of the virus against a vaccine that could be lethal, life threatening and downright dangerous to their children.

Meanwhile, President Biden, whose home state of Maryland reported 11,695 adverse outcomes of the vaccine—including 73 deaths and 693 hospitalizations—wants to unleash his OSHA enforcers on every private business in the country with over 100 employees.

With the stroke of his pen, the President mandated that 100 million American workers take the vaccine or submit to weekly tests showing they are virus free. The mandate is regardless of health condition, age, or health condition. OSHA doesn’t care whether the employee was previously infected and may have developed natural immunity.

Fortunately, the overreach has been stopped in its tracks. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has ordered the Biden Administration to halt enforcement of the draconian OSHA rules.

The panel scoffed at OSHA’s claim that the agency’s authority arose from a workplace emergency. The entire globe has faced the pandemic for nearly two years now, and OSHA dithered nearly two months responding to the pandemic.

The court was particularly critical of the mandate that made “no serious attempt to explain why OSHA and the President himself were against vaccine mandates before they were for one here.”

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