Saturday, February 22, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

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Biden DHS Targeted Americans as ‘Domestic Terrorists’ Starting on Day One

The group America First Legal has successfully obtained documents through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that prove the Biden DHS instantly turned its eyes inward at the American people in January of 2021.

In fact, the internal DHS documents they obtained prove that on the day Biden was sworn in, the government instantly began targeting Republican voters with mainstream views as “domestic terrorists.”

This is not your mother and father’s Democrat Party from a few decades ago. These people are dangerous, radical communists who will use their secret police forces in the government to destroy you for your political beliefs.

The documents obtained by America First Legal are dated January 29, 2021. That’s only nine days after Joe Biden was inaugurated behind fencing and 20,000 armed troops, like the generalissimo who had just carried out a successful coup in some Latin American s—hole country. Which is pretty much what Biden is.


For these documents which we’re about to describe to have been produced by January 29, 2021, the DHS must have immediately started producing these on January 20, 2021 – Biden’s inauguration day.

That’s how quickly the federal government pivoted against the people as soon as it got the chance.

The documents show that the DHS planned to produce a series of “Choose Your Own Adventure” style videos, in order to teach “bystanders” how to make “real-life decisions” when they bump into a “radicalization suspect” at the laundromat or wherever.

The DHS memo reads as follows:

“We propose creating 5 story branches, each with 3 video scenes that advance the story, for a total of 15 filmed scenes. Bystanders are presented with 3 difficult choices that approximate real-life decisions at the end of each scene. At the end of each branch, after viewers have made three choices impacting the potential radicalization of others, a DHS employee reviews the path they have chosen and highlights key learnings in an interview that expands on how radicalization and potential violence may occur in the scenarios.”

The document then goes into detail in describing who each of the “radicalization suspects” are in different scenarios. Any guesses as to what the “radicalization suspects” sound like? Well, you don’t have to guess, because the documents are now public.

One suspect is a white high school boy who plays video games in his room. He becomes “radicalized” by the video games (apparently). Then he turns into a racist bully at school, and at some point, flashes a gun that he borrowed at his girlfriend.

Another suspect is a white man in his 30s who is anti-government. The DHS document also says that this white male suspect beats his wife and kids. Probably a Trump voter. While drinking at the bar, the suspect tells his drinking buddies they should go to a protest and “mess with counter-protesters”—meaning he wants to beat up some Antifa terrorists who are never really terrorists in the eyes of the government.

A third suspect described in the DHS document is a white woman in her mid-40s. She’s religious and belongs to several groups at her church. She becomes increasingly upset about abortion, to the point where she begins showing people violent protests on her phone. Yikes! Somebody should stop that broad.

A fourth suspect is a divorced white woman in her mid-30s (Is anyone noticing a pattern about these suspected terrorists yet? Anyone?). She’s divorced, and a budding conspiracy theorist. She becomes increasingly mad at public figures, and starts saying mean things about them online, including that she suspects them of hurting children. People watching this video are informed at one point that the conspiracy theorist white woman is their “mother.”

Okay, I kind of laughed at that one, because she does sound kind of like my mom. She’s probably posting something about Jeffrey Epstein on Twitter right now.

Aside from the fact that the suspects in all these DHS-imagined scenarios are white, none of them are committing anything that could be construed as an actual federal crime that is in the books. Even the high school boy who flashes a borrowed gun at his girlfriend isn’t really committing a crime. What’s the context? Doesn’t matter to DHS.

And what’s the goal of these videos? They were clearly proposed as a way to get left-leaning people in society to rat out their own family members for being conservative Trump voters.

Especially that last one. If your mom is a conspiracy theorist who thinks it’s weird that Joe Biden sniffs kids, you’re supposed to turn her in.

The Biden regime turned the entire federal government against normal people on day one. Joe Biden didn’t even have to tell his underlings to do it. The existence of these documents proves that they willingly did it on their own, as soon as the 2020 coup had been secured.

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