Friday, October 18, 2024
League of Power

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The Goofiest ‘Conspiracy Theory’ About the COVID Shots Is Confirmed as True

Leukocytes in the blood make NETosis, Neutrophil extracellular traps. The immune system. View under the microscope. 3d render.

Hey, do you remember when they vaccinated all the animals at the Dallas Zoo with the COVID shots, and then all the giraffes died the next week? Good times!

It’s been an absolutely crazy ride covering the experimental COVID mRNA shots for the past four years. Every kooky “conspiracy theory” about the shots has turned out to be true—with one exception. We’ve avoided talking about it this whole time because it was just too far out there. But now, even the goofiest “conspiracy theory” about the injections has been proven true.

We’re talking about the Bluetooth signals. In the earliest days of COVID shot rollout, when many people were dying within a matter of weeks from the injections, people were posting videos about this online. They’d go to a graveyard at night with a signal reader and they could pick up MAC (medium access control) addresses emitting from the graves of vaccinated people.

I wear a fairly large tinfoil hat these days. I’m positive Joe Biden didn’t get 81 million votes all on his own. I’m 90% certain that Michelle Obama is packing some serious artillery in her jeans. I’m about 50/50 on the theory that Meghan Markle will run for president one day and then if she wins, Harry will say, “Aha!” and revoke the Declaration of Independence, thus bringing America back under the control of the British Empire.

But people emitting Bluetooth signals after they’ve received a COVID shot, even after they’ve died? No way.

“Can’t be done,” I thought.

Except… I’ve actually been writing about this for months and every new discovery about the ingredients of the vaccines has been pointing in this direction.


Back in August, scientists at Okinawa Christian University published their findings that there were some kind of undisclosed nanotechnology “entities” in the mRNA shots. When the vaccine contents are stimulated with a low-level electrical current, as you see inside the human body, the “entities” in the shots come to life and join together to create complex structures.

Last week, research was published showing that every heavy metal on the Periodic Table is present in the COVID shots. Lead, mercury, chromium… all of them. The shots also contain cytotoxic lanthanides, which are used to construct electronic devices.

“Uh oh,” I thought.

Still, that doesn’t mean vaccinated people are emitting Bluetooth signals even after they die. An extraordinary claim like that requires extraordinary evidence, right?

The next thing I know, Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea appeared in an interview with the Children’s Health Defense this week—and she brought extraordinary evidence. Dr. Mihalcea is the Medical Director at the Providence Panorama Clinic in the Seattle/Tacoma area in Washington state. She examined the contents of the blood of vaccinated and unvaccinated people at 4,000X magnification and recorded a video of her findings.

Those little nanobot “entities” that the Japanese researchers found are emitting light. They’re too small for this to be detected with the human eye, but they seem to be communicating with each other using light signals in the video Dr. Mihalcea provided. That’s how they find each other and join together to find complex structures in the bloodstream. The Japanese doctors posited that these structures are what is causing the blood clots that have killed so many vaccinated people.

I give up. Every single “conspiracy theory” about the COVID shots has now been confirmed as true. People who received the shots are emitting a Bluetooth signal. Their bodies are now tracking devices that allow the government to know their locations at all times. Dr. Mihalcea even provides a video of the nanobots assembling in the embalmed blood of a deceased patient. The little robots keep on ticking even after the vaccine victim dies.

You can’t pick up the MAC address signal that the nanobot entities emit with a regular smartphone. You need a more sophisticated tool like a sniffer, network sonar, or a switch port mapper to detect them. But the signals are there and vaccinated people are emitting them.

I don’t know what else to say. Here’s the video of Dr. Mihalcea describing her findings:

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