Wednesday, January 22, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

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Democrats Throw Joe Biden Under the Bus

If you think that Fox News threw its viewers under the bus swiftly, check out the speed with which the Democrats are throwing Joe Biden to the wolves. Now that’s fast! For the one-millionth time, I believe down to my bones that there’s a less than one-percent chance that Joe Biden will ever set foot in the White House. But the Democrats are assuming that Biden will be president on January 20 – and they plan to boot him out of the White House by approximately February, so they can get to work with Kamala Harris “in charge.”

Joe Biden was only ever useful as a figurehead in 2020. He was the soft, dimwitted, doddering old fool that the Democrats could sell to the voters as a “moderate.” When people looked at Joe Biden, they wouldn’t see him as dangerous to the country.

The Democrats could pretend to kinda-sorta distance themselves from their shock troops in Antifa and Black Lives Matter that were destroying major cities over the summer. The media, of course, played along. They didn’t cover the major rioting, looting, murder, rape and statue-wrecking of BLM-Antifa. They didn’t let Kamala Harris talk on camera at all. They minimized Joe’s public appearances as well, but they talked about how competent he was.

It was all a sham, of course.

When the Hunter Biden laptop revelations and footsie videos appeared on the internet, the media circled the wagons and called it “Russian misinformation.” Twitter, Facebook and Google-owned YouTube banned anyone from talking about. No one was allowed to know that the Biden family had been selling Joe’s name in a global influence-peddling operation, or that the Bidens are owned by the Communist Party of China.

But now that Election Day has come and passed, so has the usefulness of Joe Biden. The same people who propped up a one-foot-in-the-grave candidate all year long are now ready to send that same candidate to the glue factory.

Once the votes had been cast, we suddenly learned that, oh, by the way, there’s been an ongoing two-year Department of Justice investigation into Hunter Biden’s finances. (Thanks for mentioning that, Bill Barr.) The IRS is investigating him as well. The allegations include money laundering, wire fraud, tax fraud and other possible crimes. “The Big Guy”  will likely be implicated in at least one of Hunter’s crimes.

The writing is on the wall. Joe Biden will cite exhaustion or COVID or whatever as the excuse in a few weeks, and he will resign. Kamala Harris will take his place, with somebody like Pete Buttigieg or Nancy Pelosi named as the new vice president. And then the “investigation” into the Biden family will quietly go away – maybe even with a pardon from “President” Harris.


I can also tell you that even if a full, thorough and honest investigation of the Bidens were to take place, absolutely nothing could be legally pinned on Joe Biden. They were too smart for that.

Hunter Biden’s LLC’s and shell companies took in all of the money from peddled influence – sums totaling in the tens of millions of dollars from foreign governments. And Joe Biden never directly took a dime from any of those deals.

Instead, Joe and his wife, DOCTOR Jill Biden, had credit cards. Hunter paid off the balances of those cards every month through the LLCs. This keeps those expenses tax free under corporate law. Joe and Jill Biden have probably never even made a mortgage payment out of their own pockets under the arrangement. Hunter took care of all of that as well.

This is not speculation or an “allegation.” According to journalist Jack Posobiec and others who have had access to Hunter Biden’s laptop, there are text messages from Jill Biden. She would send texts to Hunter, bossing him around and telling him which bills to pay on time every month.

It’s a sweet way to live if you can pull it off. All of the money from Ukraine and Kazakhstan and Communist China and Montenegro and other places flows into a corporate account that Hunter Biden controls. Hunter pays all of the “Big Guy’s” bills and monthly living expenses, which allows the Big Guy to live comfortably on his VP salary. And it’s all tax-free and legal, so long as they structured the paperwork properly.

So, Joe Biden is not in any danger of ever being prosecuted for anything related to Hunter’s activities. On the other hand, his usefulness to the Democrats is now over. To implement their radical socialist agenda for America, they need Joe out of the way. And that’s why we suddenly know about the investigation.

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