A few days ago, President Donald Trump tweeted, “I am the lone warrior.” That didn’t seem entirely true. Sure, the Democrat Party, the entire mainstream media, the House of Representatives, Black Lives Matter and Team Stinky that took over six blocks of Seattle are all aligned against him. But he’s still got the COP controlled Senate on his side, right? Actually, no. In an effort to prove Trump correct, Senators James Lankford of Oklahoma (R) and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin (R) ran huffing and puffing to the Senate floor to introduce a bill to eliminate Columbus Day. Well, there you go. Trump really is the lone warrior!
Senators Lankford and Johnson both have an (R) next to their names for some reason. But you wouldn’t know that they are Republicans who are supposed to be defending Americans from mob hysteria these days. Lankford and Johnson are all-in. They’re takin’ a knee! You Americans in your systemically racist country can just shut up and take it because Lankford and Johnson are going to tear down your Columbus statues and wreck your holidays.
Their bill would eliminate Columbus Day from the federal calendar, while adding “Juneteenth” (Emancipation Day) as a new federal holiday. It’s kind of weird that Juneteenth is suddenly a big deal right now, after Barack Obama spent eight years in office and never mentioned it a single time. But whatever!
Lankford and Johnson are here to correct this grievous wrong in America! And it wasn’t enough to simply add Juneteenth as a national holiday. No one probably would have cared if that was all their bill did.
But no, Lankford and Johnson have decided that they’re not going to be lined up against a wall in our glorious new Black Lives Matter-run country. They’re piling on and helping to erase Western Civilization itself. A year or two from now when we’re all living in grass huts and longing for the days when America had a functional power grid, Lankford and Johnson hope that their families will be safe due to their BLM collaborationism.
The irony of Black Lives Matter tearing down Columbus statues and getting Columbus Day taken off the calendar is that no group in American history was ever more opposed to Christopher Columbus’ legacy than the Ku Klux Klan.
There have been state-level observances of a holiday for Christopher Columbus since the 1700s, due to his amazing achievements that led to the founding of not only America, but every nation in the Western Hemisphere. The Klan viewed Christopher Columbus as a damn dirty Eye-talian Catholic, and probably a Jew. The Klan lynched 11 Italian immigrants in New Orleans in 1892 (the 400-year anniversary of Columbus landing in the Americas). In response to that atrocity, President Benjamin Harrison declared a national observance of Columbus Day that year. FDR officially made Columbus Day an annual holiday in 1934.
Enraged that Columbus was so popular due to – hold your breath – actual historical scholarship, the Democrat Party’s Ku Klux Klan began an organized propaganda effort against Columbus, starting in about 1915.
The Klan began publishing booklets and seeding them across America. The stories were outlandish tales of Columbus showing up in the Americas and wantonly slaughtering Native American tribes, handing out smallpox-infected blankets and raping children. When Columbus couldn’t satisfy his “Jew lust” for gold, he shifted gears to become a slave trader. According to the KKK, Columbus died a wealthy man because he captured so many American Indian slaves and carried them back to Europe. Which is obviously true, because you see so many descendants of those American Indian slaves walking around in Europe today, right?
Most people forgot about this failed effort to smear Columbus and the Democrats’ Klan fell out of favor by the 1950s. It wasn’t until the 1960s and ‘70s when liberal college professors “discovered” a bunch of “new” historical evidence that “corrected the record” about Columbus. (The “new” evidence was the Klan-produced booklets that were probably lying around in their parents’ attics.) By the 1990s, the actual historical record of Christopher Columbus had been supplanted in public school curriculums across the country with the KKK’s narrative of Columbus.
When real historians realized what was happening and tried to complain that Columbus was never a slave trader and had never raped children, the NEA screeched, “Too late! No take-backsies!”
And by the way, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Colombia (who is that place named after?!), and Costa Rica all have a day set aside to commemorate the great man of history, Christopher Columbus, for his amazing achievement of uniting two worlds. The Native peoples in those countries are smarter than America’s Party of Science Democrats and realize that while it was an unfortunate tragedy that European diseases devastated their ancestors, it wasn’t a deliberate act of genocide carried out by Columbus. If you pass the flu or measles to someone and they die from it, that’s not “genocide.” By that logic, Native American tribes would owe the rest of the world a giant reparations check because of tobacco.
Venezuela celebrated Christopher Columbus until 2002, when communist dictator Hugo Chavez renamed the holiday the “Day of Indigenous Resistance.” Commies really love identity politics.
Just because Black Lives Matter wants to do the bidding of the Ku Klux Klan doesn’t mean that Republican Senators should join them. Why are Sens. Lankford and Johnson doing this? Because they’re cowards and not very bright. And because they think that Black Lives Matter now represents the majority opinion in America.
Which means that we the people have not been loud enough in opposing the lunatic policies of BLM – a militant transgender rights organization that wants to abolish the nuclear family. President Trump does not have to be “the lone warrior” right now. We should have his back. And if you care about Western Civilization, you should be speaking out right now.
If you’re feeling snarky and patriotic, Sen. Lankford’s office phone number is (202) 224-5754. Sen. Johnson’s office number is (202) 224-5323.
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